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Contemporary Issues Standards


Contemporary Issues - TN Standards

Culture | Economics | Geography | Governance and Civics | History | Individuals & Groups

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Social Studies Curriculum Standards
3435 - Contemporary Issues
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
1.1 understand patterns of discrimination
relate types of existing discrimination (e.g., gender, ethnic, and racial bias)
Level 1
differentiate attitudes towards different patterns of discrimination
Level 2
formulate solutions and judge whether conditions for resolution exist
Level 3
1.2 identify trends and controversies regarding modern medicine and human genetics
list issues and controveries regarding contemporary medicine
Level 1
analyze perspectives on human genetics
Level 2
weigh ethics of medical trends and human cloning
Level 3
1.3 understand ethical debates on internet usage
recognize issues of debate relative to internet usage (e.g., musical sharing, pornography, censorship, invasion of privacy)
Level 1
analyze the ethics of internet usage
Level 2
predict future applications and outcomes of internet proliferation
Level 3
1.4 understand various issues concerning modern print and visual media
list opinions regarding modern print and visual media from multiple perspectives
Level 1
question the appropriateness, accuracy, and impact of media content
Level 2
critique the responsibilities of modern media providers and their recipients
Level 3
Sample Tasks
Students will research the issue of affirmative action and prepare to assume roles in a debate concerning the issue.
Students will create a propaganda campaign voicing the opinion of a certain interest group (e.g., the A.M.A., Clonaid, religious advocates).
Students will prepare questions for guest speakers representing different points of view (e.g., legislator, music industry, internet user).
Students will research different types of media, interview providers, recipients of the story and author an editorial critique (e.g., issue: election of 2000, 9/11, or the Iraq crisis).

Social Studies Curriculum Standards
3435 - Contemporary Issues
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
2.1 understand the role of the stock and the ethics of corporate handling of public investments
define the structure of the stock market.
recognize different types of stocks and investments available to the public
Level 1
compare and contrast the interests of investors versus corporate management (e.g., profit, fraud)
Level 2
appraise the risk factor and earnings/loss potential of various savings plans versus stock investments in today's current market.
Level 3
debate the effectiveness of economic and governmental restraints to today's current investment strategies
Level 3
2.2 identify popular perception of government revenues and expenditures
define sources of government revenues and types of expenditures (e.g., taxation, welfare)
Level 1
dramatize contemporary attitudes toward taxation and welfare programs at various levels
Level 2
measure the appropriateness of revenues and expenditures at various government levels
Level 3
2.3 recognize popular attitudes and governmental regulations concerning gambling and lotteries
recognize forms of gambling and purposes for lotteries
Level 1
classify legal versus illegal and levels of gambling addictions
Level 2
appraise the effects of gambling on contemporary society
Level 3
weigh the ethics of lotteries (e.g., tax on the poor, application of lottery revenues, pragmatic realities)
Level 3
Sample Tasks
Students will interview senior citizens specifically regarding their own financial strategies for retirement and their confidence level in savings plans versus stocks.
Students will examine state budget issues considering revenues and expenses in preparation for class discussion and debate.
The students will brainstorm types of gambling and lotteries and compile list on chalkboard

Social Studies Curriculum Standards
3435 - Contemporary Issues
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
3.1 understand the current debates on environmental usage and protection issues
identify the environment and societal challenges to the current debates on environmental and protection beliefs
Level 1
discriminate between the goals of environmentalists versus the goals of corporate users
Level 2
develop a plan to balance opposing viewpoints regarding environmental issues
Level 3
3.2 identify changing global and universal frontiers
define frontier and label on-going frontiers (e.g., nuclear energy, space exploration)
Level 1
utilize existing technologies to explore new geographic frontiers available from the classroom
Level 2
predict the outcomes and value of continued exploration
Level 3
Sample Tasks
Research a local or national environmental issue in preparation for classroom debate on the issue (e.g., the creation of state road building, Arctic Wildlife Preserve).
Use the computer lab for research sites relative to scientific and technological advancements to compile a journal.

Governance and Civics
4.1 | 4.2 | Sample Tasks

Social Studies Curriculum Standards
3435 - Contemporary Issues
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
4.1 identify types of legal statutes and penal code, and issues relative to their enforcement
define reasons for civil statutes and codes
Level 1
distinguish different levels of punishment and the validity for each punishment (e.g., community service, incarceration, rehabilitation, death penalty)
Level 2
compare the application of differing punishments as determined by local, national or international systems
Level 2
judge the fair application of justice in America’s penal system by using primary resources (e.g., racial, gender or social-economic profiling)
Level 3
4.2 recognize the elasticity and restrictions of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the potential for civil disobedience and protest in society
recognize the protections offered by the First Amendment, and; define civil disobedience
Level 1
deduce the perimeters of First Amendment rights as exhibited by various periods in American history
Level 2
consider possible future amendments addressing restrictions of the existing First Amendment
Level 3
compare and contrast American civil liberties with those citizens in other contemporary nations
Level 3
Sample Tasks
On a field trip or class visits with local law enforcement officers or city and school administrators, the students will question authority figures on pertinent current issues in the application and reality of law.
The students will write and produce a news-cast of a theoretical issue from the perspective of one or more foreign nations or cultures specifically addressing First Amendment issues.

Social Studies Curriculum Standards
3435 - Contemporary Issues
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
5.1 Recognize the impact of traumatic effects of destructive events on human society
identify past and current wars and conflicts and causal factors
Level 1
identify events of terrorism (e.g., causes, costs, perspectives)
Level 1
distinguish popular perspectives, methodology and cultural impact of warfare on civilization (e.g., conscientious objectors, refugees, veterans)
Level 2
predict future theaters of wars and conflicts;
formulate proactive policies for the United States to avoid future conflicts
Level 3
5.2 identify controversies created by differing interpretations of the Second Amendment
recognize the verbiage of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitutions
Level 1
discuss the relevance of the Second Amendment in today's society
Level 2
compare and contrast types of gun control and effectiveness of its implementation
Level 2
consider revision of the existing Second Amendment language to reconcile the controversies
Level 3
Sample Tasks
Students will research a conflict and interview individuals with different perspectives on the topic. Role play an in-class panel discussion displaying these multiple perspectives.
Research statistics and news articles concerning the possession of weapons and gun-related crimes. Debate the impact the influence of the Second Amendment on these situations.

Individuals, Groups and Interactions
6.1 | 6.2 | 6.3 | Sample Tasks

Social Studies Curriculum Standards
3435 - Contemporary Issues
Performance Indicators:

Internet Resources
6.1 identify various contemporary religious perspectives on social issues
list various religious sects and their perspectives on current events
Level 1
interpret the establishment and free exercise clause in the First Amendment
Level 2
appraise constitutionality of the separation of church and state (e.g. prayer in schools, Ten Commandments in public buildings)
Level 3
6.2 understand the impact of abortion and its controversies on modern society
define abortion and recognize its social controversies
Level 1
analyze the Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade and the judicial after effects
Level 2
weigh the impact of politics versus personal choice on the future of abortion rights
Level 3
predict the future political consequences of the abortion decision as influenced by changing political figures
Level 3
6.3 recognize current epidemic diseases and trends in dealing with terminal illness
list known epidemic diseases and issues of terminal illness (e.g., AIDS, bio-terrorism diseases, physician assisted suicide)
Level 1
analyze governmental approaches and policies regarding these topics (e.g., funding of research, treatment, distribution of governmental health services, the right to die debate)
Level 2
conclude the effectiveness of public and private health care providers and insurance companies in dealing with epidemic diseases and terminal illnesses (e.g., HMO, nursing homes, clinics, Medicare, Medicare)
Level 3
Sample Tasks
Students will create an issue- based concept mapping activity differentiating the perspectives of religious affiliations.
Students will research different alternatives and plans for cost effective group or private health insurance plans for their families.

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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